Tanah Rata Hotels
Here are some list of hotels in Tanah Rata and their phone numbers:-
Downtown Hotel [Tel: +605-4912868]
The Cool Point Hotel [Tel: +605-4914914]
The Orient [Tel: +605-4911633/4911862]
Town House Hotel [Tel: +605-4912868]
Father’s Guest House, Tanah Rata. [Tel: +605-4912484] [more info]
Twin Pines Chalet [Tel: +605-4911169/4912169]
Kavy Hotel [Tel: +605-4915652]
Seah Meng Hotel, Tanah Rata. [Tel: +605-4911373]
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on Friday, March 7, 2008
at Friday, March 07, 2008
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Tanah Rata
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